Real Estate Market Update for
Waurika, OK
Median Household Income
162.9/sq mi
Local Population Density
Map Information for
Waurika, OK
Area Overview for
Waurika, OK
  • Population: 1,942
  • Median Age: 41.7 yr
  • Median Commute Time: 30 mins
  • Population Density: 162.9/sq mi
  • Median Household Income: $44,029

* Scale from 1-5  ** Index where 100 is the national average

School Information for

School Name Distance Type Grades School Rating
Waurika High School 0.4 mi Public 9-12 B
Waurika Middle School 0.4 mi Public 6-8 D
Waurika Elementary School 0.6 mi Public PK-5 C
Proximity to listed schools and their school district(s) does not guarantee enrollment eligibility. Please contact a local real estate professional or the local school district(s) for the most current information relating to schools in the area.

Demographic Information for
